Do you expect two to three respins during a PCB design? Respins should be the exception rather than the rule! Valor NPI identifies manufacturing issues using DFM concurrent with your design. Checks can even be run by designers, letting them fix problem areas immediately.
Design for Manufacturing Validation
Valor NPI’s MRA enables you to identify potential DFM manufacturing issues before going into production. It not only identifies where your PCB design exceeds your supplier’s manufacturing capabilities, it also shows where low yield or field failures may occur. With this visibility, designers can optimize their designs for manufacturing during the initial stage, accelerating their ramp-to-volume cycle.
Valor NPI manufacturing risk assessment tool for all PCB Design Flows
CAM Compare
The CAM Compare tool provides in-depth analysis of changes between two CAM files. This comparison can occur between identical data formats, or differing data formats. CAM Compare supports designs stored in ODB++, IPC2581, Gerber 274X, IPC-D-356A, Excellon drill data or other EDA flow data.
CAM Compare has three primary uses:
1. Validation of ODB++ data
When migrating from sending legacy CAM data to intelligent data for manufacturing, customers can use CAM Compare to compare the ODB++ output to their legacy output to assure there are no differences.
2. Design revision comparison
When comparing one design revision to another, a digital review can be made with CAM Compare identifying what has changed between the two versions.
3. Identify fabrication CAM edits
When reviewing the manufacturing data used by the fabricator, CAM Compare enables a design organization to determine what changes have been made while compensating for etch factors and drill sizing
Valor NPI Resources
Valor NPI
Decisions made during PCB layout directly affect the success of your NPI process. Any problem found by your supply chain will cause a delay at minimum, or worse, costly scrap. And if designs are reviewed differently by the PCB fabrication or assembly supplier than by the designer using EDA tools, yield, cost, and reliability risks remain high. As a result, leading electronic design companies have found that “left-shifting” Valor NPI technology concurrently into their PCB design process saves expensive revision spins and improves the quality of the final product.
Valor Parts Library enhances DFM for designing better quality PCBs
This white paper describes how Valor Parts Library (VPL) can be used to address many of the PCB manufacturing industry's challenges, and it is an important tool in the design-to-manufacturing flow. Coupling VPL with Valor NPI design-for-manufacturing (DFM) software allows you to perform comprehensive manufacturability analysis during all stages of the design to detect errors at the earliest possible stage.
Lowering PCB costs with material utilization
In recent years, we’ve seen many tools introduced to reduce the cost of designing and manufacturing a printed circuit board (PCB). This has become critical as PCB complexity increases while the surface areas are getting smaller. So how do you drive your PCB costs down while meeting the technology demands? One way for doing this is to pay attention to the material utilization of your panels.
Applying DFM analysis to flexible PCB design
The use of flexible printed circuit boards (PCBs), whether stand-alone or to connect rigid boards, has rapidly grown over the past decade. This growth has been driven by the proliferation of smaller form factors of products, such as wearable electronic devices. Because of their unique properties, flex circuits require special manufacturing methods compared to rigid PCBs and can be less tolerant of issues that negatively affect manufacturability.
Intelligent DFM for PCBs
This paper describes how DFM has evolved and why a DFM tool is a “must-have” for today and the future of PCB design and manufacturing. The paper outlines the history of PCBs and the design practices that followed that history for simple, complex and flex Printed Circuit Board designs.