PCB (Printed Circuit Board) is quite a core in electronic products that it is applied in almost all appliances of different fields, from small to big, from computers, telecommunications to military hardware. Simply speaking, PCB plays a significant role in implementing functions of electronic products.
Nevertheless, it's never an easy task to design a circuit board and a lot of associations, between layers, components or circuitries, have to be properly dealt with. Our portfolio is one of the most used and trusted tools in the world for the design and analysis of PCBs and enabling the digital transformation of electronic system design.
PADS is affordable, powerful, intuitive PCB design software used by engineers and their teams. With PADS you can take your electronic design from prototype to production in an easy-to-use environment- from the designer desktop to a connected cloud environment, empowering the future of collaboration.
Xpedition Enterprise
Xpedition Enterprise is the industry’s most innovative PCB design flow, providing integration from system design definition to manufacturing execution. Its unique technologies can reduce design cycles by 50 percent or more while significantly improving overall quality and resource efficiency.